Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Result!

well i finally got hearing test and she said if i can do it with hearing aid on and if it get too uncomfortable we can stop so i went ahead to do the test and first was word test with no lipreading i didn't get any correct lol and then next was sentence she stopped halfway said 'forget it, you're not getting any diddly squat so let do one with lipreading" haha so we did it and i actually scored 42% with that one with sentence but we didn't do one with word think she forgot but thats ok. Then we talk more about the sensations I'm getting from hearing aid and blah blah then finally she said 'well how does feb 12th, tuesday sounds?' first thing came to my head was "wait, what? whoa sound like I AM candidate.... YES! WHOO" lol and said 'oh yes sounds good, 9 am?" then that was it Im so excited that i am candidate finally! Yay! so next time i'll update is for my pre-op appointment thats in january 9th so watch for it :-)


Abbie said...

Woo hoo! Finally an answer :) Your tenative surgery date is a couple days before my birthday, so I won't be able to forget that :) Congratulations on becoming a candidate. It will be here before you know it :)

Jeff said...

Wow -- finally! Congratulations! I am sure glad I didn't have to jump through as many hoops as you.

Ulf said...

We're with you Amy! Hope you write more in your blog as we all want's to know how you're doing!!!!
