Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Audiologist Said

Well I emailed my audiologist to ask few question mainly about my issue with hearing aid and she told me this " Stop using it......I am guessing that you get no benefit from a hearing aid and we will try to test you without using one at all. I will also relay this medical concern to Dr. T (my surgeon)" and I asked if she's sure about it since I thought hearing test with best aided condition is required for insurance to pay and stuff and she said " If there is no noted benefit from hearing aids, the test is still valid. WE just needed to try...and you tried. I don't want you to be uncomfortable, so stop using it as you have tried long enough." So look like trying out hearing aid is more important than hearing test on best aided condition and if surgeon agree with her then I don't know what that mean maybe mean I'm candidate??? Eek I'm getting nervous hope I am. Lol one more week till my appointment with her and don't know if still need do test with ha if surgeon still want to or do test without ha, we'll see.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You shouldn't be worried about this. You are clearly a candidate for a CI. What has to be determined for the insurance company is the most cost effective way of enabling you to understand speech. Because you are profoundly deaf, the most cost effective way will be a CI because hearing aids don't work for you. But your hearing with and without an aid has to be documented and shown to the insurance company.
Please don't worry about this any longer! You will get your CI.
I've been through this. My implant was in October and my switch on was three days ago. Have faith in the people trying to help you. Your life is going to get a whole lot better very soon.