Monday, June 9, 2008

Bad News

I haven't update anything since mainly because I was stuck. I didn't experience new sounds, heard people talking behind back or any of miraculous CI moments for a month and half now, and last 2 weeks I haven't wore my CI processor because I'm experiencing sharp pin-prickling sensation inside head if I hear certain sound like heavy metal, long exposure to loud noise, or whatever and few days later the sensitivity seem to increased so even on volume and sensitivity set on 2 it still hurt inside my ear and almost every night when I take CI off on day I wore them when I'm sensitive to sounds I get this headache-like pain located only left side of my head (implanted side) and during those 2 weeks break I get mild aching pain on the incision part that extend over the ear and the magnet spot.

Its extremely frustrating with all those discomfort I've been experiencing I don't know whats going on and on the top of them all my low score on listening test I posted while ago start to take toll on me I'm feeling depressed, stupid and wondering whats wrong with me, why isn't my score as high as all other bloggers I read about having high score on it after 3 months and everything, it just sucks. My surgeon isn't answering my emails, my audiologist took a week to reply and said she want to try put in new mapping in and see if it helps but she don't know about the pain so I'm waiting on surgeon's response in emails. UGH!

I hope it go away and get fixed soon so I can hear again, I dont want to miss the crickets sound everyone heard with CI out, and the fireworks, ocean waves crashing, seagulls, all summer sounds....


Shari said...

I am just sending good thoughts your way. Don't get discouraged. :)

Wendy said...

I really hope you get some answers soon -- it must be so frustrating! I wish I had some advice to offer.

Just don't give up -- keep pestering your surgeon and audiologist until you get some answers! :-)

~ Wendi