Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Sorry for the late update my internet wasnt working right last night.
Anyways heres the update, my activation was interesting lol.
first we did beep for program 1 we used number 2 magnet. I cant describe it all but it was interesting, my activation video will say it all. then between break we went out making racket in building lmao. then went back in to makes program 2 beep test. when they turn into live voice OH MY GOD loud buzz it was unbearable at first and I was totally shocked lol. my bf's mom start crying lol aww, and i heard voices and i can pick up some speech right away my audiologist was surprised. And I can say speech sound soooooooooo much better than hearing aid already and I'm only on crude map! and the sound didnt sound robotic or beepy at all it sound sort of like hearing aid but sooo much higher pitched and some tone thats so high that it sound like feedback like my laughter it sound like feedback at first little while then now it sound little less like feedback lol.
look like im already on good start! cant wait to see how much i accomplished after 1 year!

by the way the video wont be on here for while, dont have right software for video and dont have DV cord either and also im totally clueless with this thing haha and also the subtitling the video will be long hard process it got bunch of voices and sign in the mix and its really long and some clip in video blocked the sign and all complicated stuff lol sorry! please be patient it'll be worth it and its really different than all other activation video too!

I heard so much stuff i can't list it all.
but my favorite CI moment so far is I heard spongebob squarepant theme song so super clearly haha i even sang along with it and cc wasnt working right so its amazing! lol
hmm not sure what else to add yet.... i'll update more when i find something to update more about LOL


Cyborg Queen said...

Way to go!!! :-)
Nice pick CI. I don't have the guts to go with color. If they had purple covers, then I'll consider it.

Spongebob Squarepants were very high pitched sounding to me when I was first activated, now it's better.

It will only get better from here on!

What's your dynamic range? Do you have to change programs every 5 days when the dynamic range is slightly higher? I was just curious if you go through the same type of activation as I do.

Amy said...

I don't know what's dynamic range mean lol so obviously I don't know what mine are lol so what is it? Is it like number on computer look like equalitizer (sp?)

Cyborg Queen said...

Yeah I think so. I think it's a way to measure your minimum comfort level and maximum comfort level. That's the odd thing, I actually have NO clue! I was just told that my dynamic range is 18, and I have to increase it every 5 days (P1 to P2 to P3). A normal CI user with Freedom, that had it for a while, will have an average of dynamic range in the 40s.

I'll have to ask my audiologist tomorrow to explain what the heck that is!

Hope you're doing well!! You should make a list of sounds (not every sound, but strange sounds, sounds you never heard before, etc..kind of like I did, and just update it once in a while).