Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New Mapping Update!

Today I got new mapping for both my program, my program have 3 electrodes still turned off but my program 2 have all 22 turned on and both have new loudness and softness level. Its really different now. But so much better, with program 2 I can hear jason deep voice "rumble" its hard to describe but I finally hear it cuz thats his true voice I was so excited! haha

I got CI moment today also, I was at dining room looking out the back door because its snowing outside (isnt it soooo strange??? I got snow when I got out of surgery, I got snow when I got out activation and I got snow when I was done with 2nd mapping appointment!!) anyways I was there and I heard sound and I was thinking maybe its from my cat meowing, heard it again I was like "no, its from there where my fiance is" and 3rd time around I was positive jason's calling my name in laundry room, we're talking about 30 feet in different room! WOW! I went in to look at jason and he said 'good! You heard me!" Yay! lol

1 comment:

Abbie said...

Your *fiancee* (congrats :) ) voice will probably change over time. Men are still difficult for me to understand.