Thursday, August 23, 2007

Brand War

After a long time researching on all 3 cochlear implant brand. i decided to go for nucleus freedom.

Top 5 Reason:
1) It's most reliable implant out of all brand .
* thats what i wanted cuz I'm really clumsy and accident-prone so i would rather have most reliable implant there is.

2) Have ability to upgrade in future if there is better technology available without needing the re-implantation of internal processor.
* that's what i want because i don't want to worry if i need another surgery if they stop making one that fit one specific implant.

3) The internal implant contain 22 electrodes, soft tip to try preserve the residual hearing and self-curling electrode array to minimize the force that might damage the cochlea or auditory nerves.
* that's also another great thing about that. the AB only contained 16 electrodes and med-el only contain 12 electrodes. and med-el don't have self-curling array and AB don't have enough program in electrode to mimic the most natural sound possible like nucleus does it contain 4 programs.

4) Nucleus have smartsound beam and few other program to makes most of the clarity of hearing and makes it easier for me to listen to conversation and hear what i want to hear and have ability to change programs by pressing the button.
* that's most awesome thing i ever seen cuz i know how annoying some sound are like car engine noise interfering with music or something in radio that i want to hear (when i was hard of hearing with hearing aid) so having those option is what i need to adjust to different listening environments.

5) Nucleus has better appearance and look like hearing aid and have option of going BTE, mini BTE or very small lightweight handheld speech processor.
* i rather better appearance and their design over med-el no doubt but i do like AB color option but i don't like their coil it'll look like shirt button stuck in my head haha so i rather traditional appearance of coil and bte look like hearing aid and if its too bulky for my small ear to handle then i can easily go mini or handheld speech processor no problem and still look appropriate i don't want look like someone from star trek haha.

oh small thing to add is they also has built in telecoil, water-resistance and MRI safe up to 1.3 Tesla. med-el only can go up to 0.6 and AB go up to 0.3 Tesla.


Abbie said...

I am glad you narrowed down your choice :) You just have to make sure when you meet with the surgeon that he has experience with Nucleus and the audiologist does too.

I just wanted to point out that regardless of the amount of electrodes that a processor has, you only require 8 working electrodes to get sound.

Amy said...

Yeah but I want most natural sound possible. My surgeon does nucleus and baha too. He has plenty audiologist working with him mostly does nucleus only one does AB that I can find on internet. and sorry I just noticed now that I spelled AB "AD" in that post haha got confused with alldeaf and advanced bionics :-p

Unknown said...

Having 1.3 tesla is not going to make a difference because most MRIs are stronger than that. It's just an advertising ploy to make people take notice.

That's what I was told by my engineering and medical friends.