Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Post-Op pictures

today was my post-op appt the surgeon ripped the tapes off fast but painful ouch! so heres my incision without tapes on.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


*sigh* I forgot how good it feel to have clean hair!
Ok so what I did it few days earlier but I was being super careful washing my hair without let any water touch my tape covered incision and ear, I had to wash it cuz my hair was getting super slimy and sticky it was beyond disgusting so I had to do it today not in 3 days later!
Lol well I'm doing great today I started taking Tylenol and it worked, no more Vicodin for me! YAY!
Only experiencing very slight discomfort still, more like tightness, very slight stiff neck if I turn my neck too far and my jaw still dont open all the way and mild headache from stiffness thats all! Nothing too uncomfortable so im almost back to normal self!
The Activation day seem like LONGGGGGG time away from now ugh!
i"ve been trying to stick stuff to my head like refrigerator magnet, metal object and what not and NONE of them stick :-( I just want something to prove myself that I do actually have Implant in my head haha.
I thought being in hospital will hit me that I will have CI and it DIDN'T! So I still don't believe that I have CI and it haven't hit me YET!!! Ooh gosh, so apparently I'm extremely impatient for activation day so when i feel magnet stuck in my head and heard beep... That's when i WILL believe i have CI! ha ha
well I'll update again after Post-op to show off my incision WITHOUT tapes i wonder what he used hmm staples, stitches, glue? hmmm we will see in next post!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Finally an Update

Alright Im finally feeling well enough to come to computer and typed up an update on me.

Heres it goes.

Jan 14th, Monday:

I was sooo busy all day cleaning the house, bedroom, bathroom, washing all laundry, put dishes away, put on clean bed sheets, took care of my 2 fish tanks, packed an overnight bag, everything i needed to do before surgery finally all done then rested just relaxing on couch. then went to bed around 2 pm I was too excited to go sleep so that is why i went to bed so late lol.

Jan 15th, Tuesday:

Woke up at 5:30 am get dressed in lovely pink button-up shirt, black with white polka-dot sweater, maroon aeropostales sweatpant on then waited for jason my boyfriend to get up and then we left to go to hospital around 6:00 am and arrived at hospital at 6:45 got valet parking ooh fancy then went in did paperwork, waiting for couple while then went in pre-op room get IV, questioned about my medical history blah blah blah then finally wheeled to OR room so scary! all tools, bright light, machines, bunch of people scrubbed up and in gown and bunch of stuff on table making me super nervous then anesthesiologist gave me sedative the part i was dreading the most, it worked well calmed my nerves and made me sleepy..... BUT at very last few seconds i couldn't breath at all! i was gagging, gasping for air and then boom next thing i know im in recovery room, i couldn't keep my eyes open for next 3 hours then finally can stay awake when needed they moved me to different room so my boyfriend could come in to see me, my boyfriend told me as soon my name moved from OR room to recovery room on computer screen in waiting room the snowflake fell and then few seconds it started to snow and it was so beautiful i thought it was awesome because i wanted snow and i finally got it and i think its sign that its going to be successful!. I was VERY sleepy keep falling asleep then finally time for me to go home they sent me home early because i was doing so well. arrived home my boyfriend carried me upstairs to my bed and fell asleep! then i don't remember what happened after that haha

jan 16th, Wednesday:

Same things couldnt remember diddly squat i was high on painkiller and keep falling asleep and zoning out, ate pudding, soups and sleeping all day no real pain only very sore throat, stiff neck and super sleepy.

jan 17th, Thursday:

same thing zoning out dont remember much, except started to experience slight pain in where implant is:

got my appetite back around early afternoon i was starving and keep bugging my boyfriend for food haha

jan 18th, friday (today):

so much more alert, less stiff neck, felt sharp pain in implanted side and inside where eardrum is, ate alot of food took medicine, watched movie just relaxing, had good day today. pain's tolerable nothing too severe only discomfort and before the medicine kicked in i had sore jaw, fullness in ear, tender and sore to touch on my head where implant is. that's it. sore throat is almost completely gone today!

I also added few pictures as you can see enjoy them also its slightly gross but it still got tapes on so no big deal. also im not 100% sure but i think the blue marking on my head is where my implant is.
the doctor shaved more than they told me grrr but its not like too horrible though, oh well.
I will add more after post-op appointment to show my incision without tapes on and will add more after activation too to show off my sparkly brand new pink CI!

Monday, January 14, 2008


I finally got time for my surgery its at 9 am BUT i have to be there at hospital at 7 am to do paperwork and routine things like going over my medical history blah blah blah then wheel to OR room at 9 am if everything work out perfectly :-) i'm going to stay at hospital overnight so i wont be able to update blog till i feel like i can get up and go to computer lol so hopefully wont be long i dont want keep you on suspense for too long :-P
Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Pre-Op Appt.

Today i went to Pre-Op all nervous and no appetite because my boyfriend told me there will be physical and blood test there and i hates blood test because I'm under 100 pound and one vial of blood makes me woozy haha.
But turned out I was all nervous for nothing! I didnt need blood or whatever test before the surgery! So I assume they will do that on the surgery day, My surgeon listened to my heart and heard my heart murmur today, usually doctor didn't hear it but today yup but he don't seem to be worried about it he just told me i need to get heart checked up and catch up with my cardiologist after I told him I didn't get any check up in long while (12 years lol). So everything looked good today and I'm good to go!

I'm little nervous about surgery but I'm sure once i entered the room and it hit me and become super nervous and maybe crying lol I don't know we will see!

Also I should be totally fine going under since there's like people with serious or fatal heart problem going under general anesthesia and wake up all fine and mine is just small murmur so its not big deal right?

Just hope sedative or part of anesthesia whatever triggered it work what it supposed to this time around and makes me calm down and relaxed a bit instead of the opposite effect and makes it worse! last time it was crazy my legs was so shaky and my heart rate was super fast at one point it reached 140 bpm! (beats per min) and set alarm off!

just hope things work out smoothly and going under with no problem just get calm, sleepy then passed out and wake up, NO freaking out shaking, set alarms off and causing scene in OR room!

so wish me luck!

Still haven't gotten my time for surgery day but they told me to call day before surgery day to get time and whatever I need to do there.

I'm kinda hoping it'll be in afternoon so i can sleep in to makes myself not hungry instead of in morning when I'm super starving, we will see!

Keep eyes on my Blog I'll update again night before surgery and after surgery whenever I'm up to type a blog about surgery day and then few more in between to tell how I'm feeling and pictures to put up too and update again on Feb 12th my activation day!!